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Safe products for moms and kids

Malika Sadani

Malika Sadani’s dream was to build a company that created safe, toxin-free, products for women and children, something she felt was missing in India. In 2016, she turned this dream into reality with her company, The Moms Co. Along with her husband, Mohit, who joined as co-founder, The Moms Co.…


The Podcast

Dream Build Scale with Priyanka Gill is the ultimate playbook on what it truly takes to dream big, build strong and scale high.

A Spotify Exclusive podcast, Dream Build Scale uncovers real stories of driven people building incredible brands and businesses.

Styled as an honest, freewheeling conversation between friends, Dream Build Scale gives an intimate, insider’s view on the many ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey, packed with insightful, actionable takeaways.


The Host

Priyanka Gill, Co-Founder, Good Glamm Group has been an entrepreneur for over a decade. She founded POPxo and Plixxo. Over the years she met great entrepreneurs, creators and investors who are now her friends. They join her on the Dream Build Scale podcast sharing their inspirational journeys.

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